Experiential Solution of the Photon Transport Equation in Lossy Case
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An experiential solution of the photon transport equation, which describes the behavior of light pulses incident on a lossy ruby laser amplifier, is given. Numerical analysis of the equation is performed for a ruby laser which has a loss coefficient of 0.02 acd 0.08 (cm^<-1>). From the analysis, the experiential solution is derived and the error factor of the solution is typically less than 7 percent. The output waveform and total output energy of square pulse input are discussed for adapting the solution to a laboratory-size solid-state laser amplifier.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-02-15
Nakai Sadao
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Noda Yoshitoshi
Department Of Technology Faculty Of Education Oita University
TANINO Katsutoshi
Department of Technology, Faculty of Education, Oita University
Nakai Sadao
Institute Of Laser Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Tanino K
Toyoma Industrial Technology Center Toyoma
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