- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research is to gain a standard of repair, suitable periods and rates for intended repair. At first, as I must know how wearing of buildings change with age or etc., I investigated several researches about wearing of every part of buildings : that is, 1) Research on the Wear of buildings. 2) On the Wear of Asphalt-Built up Roofs. 3) Research on Wearing of Steel Sash. 4) Research on Wearing of the Former Osaka. Central Telegraph Office Building Then, I applied the economical theory of facilities investment and calculated the economical repair time. At last, from those practical researches and economical calculations, I gained the standard of suitable repair periods and rates of every building part and every finishing.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1968-05-30
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- 1100 旧大阪中央電報局局舎の減耗調査 : その1. コンクリート・鉄筋(材料・施工)
- 1101 旧大阪中央電報局局舎の減耗調査 : その2. 鋼製建具(材料・施工)
- 1102 旧大阪中央電報局局舎の減耗調査 : その3. 外・内装材(材料・施工)
- 建物各部の減耗度実態調査
- 102 鋼製建具の減耗調査(第2部 材料・施工)
- 78 アスファルト防水層の減耗について(その2)(第2部 材料・施工)
- 6004 電話局舎の減耗度実態調査について
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