- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous paper, the authors presented a method of predicting wave loads acting on a ship fixed in large amplitude waves, and verified its validity in computing the peak values of wave loads as well as in clarifying their time dependent nonlinear behavior. In this paper, 2nd report, prediction of ship motion and wave loads acting on a ship freely floating in large amplitude waves are performed using the method in its extensioned form. A11 the results computed by the present method, in which time-variation of the submerged portion of ship's hull and coupling effect between vertical and horizontal hydro-dynamic forces are taken into account, shows quite good agreement with experimental ones. As a result, it is found that time-varying relative vertical displacement of a ship's body does a dominant role in nonlinear behaviors of wave loads, and that torsional moment can be affected by the coupling phenomena between vertical and horizontal hydrodynamic forces to a greater extent in relatively short waves of beam-sea condition.
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