- 論文の詳細を見る
In this final report, the measured total resistance of eight floating models S-101・102・201・202(strictly corresponding models) and A-101・102・201・202 (approximately corresponding models) is given together with the calculated total resistance for the former four models (S-series models). Through these comparisons the following conclusions are obtained : (1) For the purpose of quantitative application of the wave-making theory, we have to treat with the boundary condition on the surface of a model more exact than the so-called Michell's approximation.(2) The viscosity of water has a great importance to the wave-making of after hull body. Its effect can be simply represented by (β, δ) correction which is to be applied to the asymptotic characteristics of the stern free waves in the far rear of the model.(3) Besides the above, the following corrections are also found as indispensable : (3a) The sheltering or the self-interference correction factor α' due to the finite breadth of the hull which is to be applied to the pre-caused bow waves.(3b) The finite amplitude correction factor γ which is to be applied to the full forms with large angle of entrance.(4) Thus the calculated wave-making resistance coefficient is finally given as : C_w=η_1C_w(1)+η_2C_w(2), where C_w(1)=the steadily increasing or foundamental term in C_w Cw(2)=the oscillating or interference term in C_w, in whose argument the shifting correction factor δ being introduced η_1=1/2(γ^2+β^2)=γ^2/2(1+β'^2) η_2=α'・γβ=α'・γ^2β' with β'=β/γ (5) The correction factors which have been obtained from wave resistance comparison show a reasonable relation with the fineness of the models as well as with Froude number.They also show good coincidence both with the observed wave profiles and with the photopgraphic observations of the stern wave separation.
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