鋼構造モデルの騒音伝搬に関する実験的研究 (第2報)
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In this paper, experimental studies were carried out to investigate the further applicability of the SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis) method to two more practical and complex steel structures than ones examined in the 1st report. One was a steel structure model consisting of panels of the different size and thickness and air spaces of the different volume, and the other was an actual Jacket Launching Barge (L×B×D=198.12m×51.82m×12.20m). As for noise and vibration sources a small speaker system and an electrodynamic vibration exciter system were used in the case of the model, and a tapping machine was used in the case of the Barge. The calculated results agreed well with the experimental results, however, it was found to be necessary to make a few corrections of the theoretically calculated coupling loss factors and of the input source's vibration level for improvement of the accuracy of the calculation.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1982-06-30
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