冷蔵庫防熱壁の伝熱に関する二, 三の考察
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In this paper, the following two problems are investigated. (1) Unsteady temperature distribution in insulated wall; (2) Effect exercising to the insulation through a beam projected into the insulated wall: The former, (1), is concerned with the basic data for a reasonable decision of pre-cooling time in the insulation test of the refrigerating provision chamber which has been customarily determined by experience hitherto. First of all, Fourier equation was solved in the case of the linear heat conduction of the idealized homogeneous plane wall. And the history of temperature distribution in the wall was reduced to the function of wall thickness, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and surface conductance. Then a hydrodynamic analogy was carried out through a pipe-line system in order to prove the theoretical solution experimentally. And the author obtained the results agreed with the exact solution. The latter, (2), is the consideration on a conformal representation as to the effect of projections to the insulation. The author sought a correction modulus to the beam effect, from the point of view the beam increasing thermal transmittance. And this theoretical results was found to be in the good agreement to the electrical analogy which was carried out by Mr. H. Baba. The correction modulus η is expressed by the following formula; [numerical formula] where D: wall thickness d: beam deapth L: beam space
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1964-11-30
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- 冷蔵庫防熱壁の伝熱に関する二, 三の考察