- 論文の詳細を見る
In Part I, the authors treat the problem of the trimming moment caused by wave-making of a surface vessel or a submerged body moving through a deep or a shallow water. General expressions are obtained for the trimming moment in each of the above-mentioned cases from Prof. Michell's method as well as from Prof. Havelock's one. The results of numerical calculation carried out for the cases of a vessel of mathematical form and a submerged prolate spheroid show good coincidence with the experimental results qualitatively. In Part II, general expressions are obtained for the wave resistance of a vessel of twin hulls. The results of numerical calculation show that the total effective horsepower can be reduced for a wide range of Froude's number by dividing into twin hulls keeping length, draught and displacement of a vessel constant, provided the distance between hulls is chosen suitably.
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- Investigation on the Change of Hydrobynamical Pressure at the Sea-Bottom generated by a Vessel in Motion.