- 論文の詳細を見る
As is only too well known, the quick diving is one of the essential qualities of the presentday submarines. In this paper, first of all, the authors have made an analytical study on the diving motion of a submarine. In the next, the question may be solved as to how much degree the trim angle of the vessel does alter, when the vessel submerges with constant speed Vo, along the specified course, into the given depth of immersion D, in the duration of time T, under the regulation by a pair of horizontal rudders with a certain rudder angle. Fortunate to say, we have still on hand the underwater-performance curves based on the experimental results of the several types of submarine-models, and using them, we obtained numerical values of both the trim and rudder angles of submarine when she performs the diving motion as mentioned above. In conclusion, it is shown that, if we try to make the time duration needed T, as short as possible, the allowance in inclination of hull matters more, rather than the addition of rudder angle.
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