- 論文の詳細を見る
1. This is a report on the investigation of the seasonal and diurnal activities of Culex tritaeniorhynchus summorosus leaving a pig shed. This work was carried out at Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture in 1965. 2. Culex tritaeniorhynchus summorosus was abundantly collected with the pig baited trap and showed a high rate (73.3%) of engorgement. 3. The percent engorgement of the mosquito population were maintained at higher than 80 percent from late June to mid August and decreased abruptly after late August. While the partial engorged females appeared after late August. 4. The diurnal activity of the engorged females which leave a pig shed showed a pronounced peak at 04 : 00-05 : 00,but that of the unengorged females was not clear. And the diurnal changes of the percent engorgement were very similar at every season. The high rate of engorgement at dusk falls immediately in the range of 20-30% and after two or three hours increased steeply.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1974-06-15
渡辺 孝男
矢島 孝昭
吉田 勝一
吉田 勝一
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