- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) All the species of Japanese Cephaloziellaceae were critically reviewed ; they were arranged under two genera and nine species, for which a key as given. (2) Cephaloziopsis pearsonii was here first recorded from Japan. It occurs on barks of Abies shikokiana near the summit of Mt. Ishizuchi. Both morphologically and ecologically, our plants well agree with those of North America except that the branching is always of the Frullania-type. (3) Cephaloziella subdentata was also a new record for the flora of Japan. It grows on Plagiochasma sp. covering rocks at shaded and dripping places near the summit of Mt. Mitsu-toge. Our plants are slightly different from the typical ones in that the cuticle of leaf cells is not verrucose and the leaf lobes are provided with irregular, blunt teeth. (4) Cephaloziella recurvifolia is characterized by that the plants are markedly large (stems are up to even 20 cells thick), the stems are often attenuate and become flagelliform, the leaves are inserted somewhat obliquely, the bracts and the bracteole are not or slightly connate with each other and their lobes are entire, and the bracteole is poorly developed or quite absent. These features seem to be characteristic enough to propose a new genus based on this species. Acolea formosae known from Taiwan is probably conspecific with C. recurvifolia. (5) Cephalozia jishibae can not be assigned to Cephaloziella, because of the presence of of flagella, of the divided perianth-mouth, and of the irregularly arranged cells at the perianth-mouth. The species can not be placed also in Sphenolobus, as the female inflorescence is borne on a short ventral branch, the perianth is nearly trigonous in cross-section, the under-leaves are distinct even in sterile shoots, and the plants bear particular flagella. Judging from an ensemble of the characteristics, it may be better to transfer this species to Iwatsukia (Lepidoziaceae), which was recently described by the writer from North Borneo. (6) Cephaloziella minutissima may be reduced under synonymy of Cephalozia hokkodensis.
- 日本植物分類学会の論文
- 1965-03-31
- コケ文献データベース : 日本関係分について
- 1979年タイ国植物調査の記録
- 苔類(ゼニゴケ)の形態 (コケの教材利用)
- 金沢大学丸の内キャンパス(金沢城跡)の植物
- 東京都心部の苔類2種
- 児玉務氏(1928-97)
- 牧野富太郎の苔類・ツノゴケ類コレクション
- 中島徳一郎先生(1910-96)
- 服部新佐博士(1915-1992)
- ヒマラヤ産苔類の若干の種の分布
- 長期無菌培養によって誘導された苔類4種の形態変化
- ヒメジャゴケの研究
- 日本産Lophoziaceae
- 日本産Cephaloziellaceae
- コケ[蘚苔]植物の科の和名
- レッドデータブック近畿研究会編著 : 『近畿地方における保護上重要な植物-レッドデータブック近畿-』, A4判, 1995年1年20日発行, 関西自然保護機構
- 角野康郎『日本水草図鑑』, A4変型, viii+179頁, 1994年7月20日発行, 文一総合出版, 14,450円
- タイサンボクの花と受粉
- 日本蘚苔類学会第7回大会において採集された四国天狗高原の蘚苔類
- Studies on the Hepaticae of Thailand III. The Genus Leucolejeunea
- タイ国に苔類を求めて
- 蘚苔類と共存するシダ植物前葉体について-ミクロスケーリング-
- Frans Verdoorn博士のこと
- 「ゼニゴケダウン」
- 井上浩博士を悼む
- 服部新佐先生のこと
- ホフマイスターとコケ(一般講演,第16回大会講演要旨)
- ホソミゾゴケ中国大陸に産す
- コケの用語について2〜6
- イイシバヤバネゴケの奇妙な分布型
- スギゴケ科の仮根系(第9回大会講演要旨)
- 奈良市内のミカズキゼニゴケとヤワラゼニゴケ
- 外山礼三氏のこと
- ゼニゴケの観察 : 受精をめぐる若干の問題について
- 琥珀の中のコケ
- 日本産のカミムラヤスデゴケについて
- 伊豆大島のノグチサキジロゴケ
- 児玉務著「近畿地方の苔類」
- イクビゴケの観察,3
- イクビゴケの観察,2
- コケ文献データベース-日本関係分-について(展示発表,第28回日本蘚苔類学会和歌山大会特集)
- コケ[蘚苔]植物の科の和名(雑報)
- 東京都心部の苔類2種(雑報)
- 児玉務氏(1928-97)(雑報)