The Effort-reward Imbalance Model : Experience in Japanese Working Population
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The validity of Siegrist's effort-reward imbalance model was examined in Japanese workers: 105 dental technicians, 902 employees of production companies, and 2,827 selected from staff of hospitals. After controlling for possible confounders, levels of the two stress measures, 'effort-reward imbalance' and 'overcommitment', were similar for both genders. The effort-reward imbalance was most prevalent in the 25-30 age employees and then decreased with age, but the level of overcommitment increased with age. Those with lower educational attainment and others who reported working long hours were more often exposed to effort-reward imbalance and those in the private sector reported higher overcommitment levels than their respective counterparts. Hospital staff (predominantly nurses) had almost twice as high a level of effort-reward imbalance as production workers. A review of empirical studies confirmed validity of the criterion with respect to a self-reported health outcome and the responsiveness of the measures to organizational changes. Nevertheless, the low prevalence of an effort-reward imbalance (originally formulated by Siegrist's group on European samples) in Japanese employees seemed to reduce the statistical power of these tests. A subsequent change in exposure prevalence by defining the top quintile of the distribution of the logarithmic-transformed effort reward ratio resulted in an improvement in the statistical fit. The Japanese evidence indicates promising applicability of the effort-reward imbalance model, particularly if statistical approaches that measure the model's core notion are extended, and recommendation of repeated measures for exposure. Cross-cultural research on occupational stress is instructive in terms of health science.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
OHYA Yumiko
Tokyo Medical University, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Tokyo Medical University, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Tokyo Medical University, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Tsutsumi Akizumi
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Odagiri Yuko
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Tokyo Medical University
Odagiri Y
Tokyo Medical University Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health
Odagiri Yuko
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health Tokyo Medical University
Miki Akiko
Okayama University Medical School Faculty Of Health Sciences
Tsutsumi Akizumi
Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry
KAYABA Kazunori
Jichi Medical School
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Kawano Yuri
Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Naka Mamiko
Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shimomitsu Teruichi
Tokyo Medical University Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health
Odagiri Yuko
Tokyo Medical University Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health
Kayaba K
Jichi Medical School
Shimomitsu T
Tokyo Medical University Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health
Shimomitsu Teruichi
Tokyo Medical University
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