Effects of Glyphosate on Caffeic Acid Metabolism in Perilla Cell Suspension Cultures
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Perilla cell suspension cultures contained caffeic acid at 0.0735% of the fresh weight. When 1 mM glyphosate was administered to the cell culture in the logarithmic and stationary phases, the amount of caffeic acid ceased to increase and remained at a nearly constant level during the following several days. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity in the cell culture increased immediately after transfer to a fresh medium, decreased rapidly in the midst of the logarithmic phase and became almost undetectable in the stationary phase. PAL activity was markedly inhibited by glyphosate at more than 0.2 mM. The shikimic acid content of cells from 14-day culture grown in the presence of 1 mM glyphosate increased up to 74.9μg per g fresh weight during 6-day culture, whereas that of the control cells was undetectable. The dosage of 0.15 mM L-2-aminooxy-3-phenylpropionic acid (L-AOPP), an inhibitor of PAL, to the cells did not cause shikimic acid accumulation.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
Ishikura Nariyuki
Department Of Biological Science Faculty Of Science Kumamoto University
Ishikura Nariyuki
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kumamoto University
Takeshima Yasunobu
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University
Takeshima Yasunobu
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kumamoto University
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