- 論文の詳細を見る
The bladder has functions to retain and excrete the urine, differing from other regions. Therefore, when drugs are infused in the bladder, they are excreted during urination, and it is difficult to keep them acting in the affected regions for a long period. We have been studying a drug with a prolonged effect in the bladder, thus enabling topical chemotherapy of bladder cancers and prevention of their reccurrence. This led to research and development work on the intravesical stick (IVS). IVS has a base consisting of witepsol H-15,E-85,polysorbate 80 and bleached beeswax, and mixed drugs in it uniformly, and is formed to the stick-shape, and this semi solid dosage form can be applied into the bladder via urethra. The specific gravity was 0.989-0.998 (25℃), and dysuria develops hardly because of the floating into urine. Moreover, in the dissolution examination of active ingredient, the differences of elution patterns were noted by the type of the prescription of the base, and the active ingredient was detected from the start of the dissolution up to 48-120 h. From the results, the usefulness of this drug was suggested as a prolonged effective one.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-10-25
日高 良一
岡戸 三枝
濱田 吉通
岡戸 三枝
松本 〓
濱田 吉通
日高 良一
松本 〓
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