- 論文の詳細を見る
During the past fifteen years, the experiments based on three main propositions were proceeded to carry out in our laboratory, that is, (1) Microencapsulation : The method of solvent evaporation in water or oilly phases was adopted because of its comparative simplicity in the procedure and its high reproducibility. The application of pharmacokinetic consideration to in vivo evaluation of microencapsulated drugs using beagle dogs intended for obtaining controlled-release by oral administration. The pullunan acetate phthalate microcapsules containing cefadroxil were prepared by the solvent evaporation method in liquid paraffin and showed a zero-order dissolution pattern in pH 6-7.4. (2) Rectal gel preparation : The hydrogels and xerogels were prepared by Eudispert hv. These gets have excellent staying properties in the lower part of the rectum, over a fairly long period. Eudispert hv hydrogels or xerogels containing propentfylline were tested for avoidance of the first-pass metabolism. The absolute bioavailability of propentofylline from gel preparations was almost 100%. (3) Binary vehicle for transdermal delivery : The effects of glycerides, short-chain alcohols and their binary vehicles as donor components on the skin permeation of ketoprofen across the excised hairless mouse skin were evaluated with the diffusion cell. Among single vehicles, Panasate 800 as lipophilic vehicle and ethanol as hydrophilic vehicle showed the effective permeation flux of ketoprofen. The greatest enhancement was observed in an ethanol/Panasate 800 (40/60) binary vehicle. The relationship between lipophilicity and skin permeability of 16 drugs from the ethanol/Panasate 800 (40/60) binary vehicle showed a parabolic shape with a peak at a more hydrophilic range compared with other past references.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1995-11-25
- Transdermal Delivery of Theophylline Using an Ethanol/Panasate 800-Ethylcellulose Gel Preparation
- 急性腎不全家兎の血漿蛋白とフロセミドの結合(発表論文抄録(1983年))
- 利尿薬と血糖降下薬スルホニル尿素の家兎赤血球への分布(発表論文抄録(1983年))
- Optimization of Preparative Conditions for Polylactide (PLA) Microspheres Containing Ovalbumin
- Oral Delivery of Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) Microspheres Containing Ovalbumin as Vaccine Formulation : Particle Size Study
- In Vivo Release of Water-Soluble Drugs from Stabilized Water-in-Oil-in-Water (W/O/W) Type Multiple Emulsions Following Intravenous Administrations Using Rats
- Enhancement Effect of an Ethanol/Panasate 800 Binary Vehicle on Anti-inflammatory Drug Permeation across Excised Hairless Mouse Skin
- Utility of Mixture of Commercially Available Polymers as Constituents of Sustained-Release Microcapsules Containing Cefadroxil or Theophylline
- 水溶性薬物を包含した安定なW/O/W型複合エマルションの調製とその薬物放出性のin Vitro評価
- W/O/W型複合エマルションの内水相中に封入された水溶性薬物の放出性
- Biopharmaceutical Evaluation of Sustained-Release Ethylcellulose Microcapsules Containing Amoxicillin Using Beagle Dogs
- Biopharmaceutical Evaluation of Sustained-Release Ethylcellulose Microcapsules Containing Cefadroxil and Cephradine Using Beagle Dogs
- ペントアンスレン型構造を有する複素環化合物のモノアミン酸化酵素阻害活性(発表論文抄録(1991年))
- ペントアンスレン型構造を有する複素環化合物のモノアミン酸化酵素阻害活性
- ペントアンスレン型複素環化合物の抗不安作用
- Metabolism and Cytotoxieity of Hydrazine in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes(Biological)
- 遊離肝細胞におけるアミノピリンN脱メチル化の生成物障害(発表論文抄録(1985年))
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- 遊離肝細胞系におけるアミノピリンの代謝に及ぼすフェノバルビタールならびに3-メチルコラントレンの影響(発表論文抄録(1983年))
- 放出制御及び生物学的利用能の向上を目指した製剤の開発に関する研究
- 私の薬剤学:マイクロカプセルをいじって20年
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- Double Fluorescent Labeling Method Used for a Study on Liposomes
- Structure-Activity Relationship of a New Series of Tricyclic Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors of Pentanthrene Type
- 塩酸ピレンゼピンのラット消化管における吸収促進(第1報)
- 腎障害家兎におけるフロセミドの血漿タン白結合 : 内因性タン白結合阻害物質の検討(発表論文抄録(1984年),福山大学開学10周年記念号)
- テオフィリンの消失に及ぼす環境温度の影響(発表論文抄録(1984年),福山大学開学10周年記念号)
- ラットにおけるヒドラジンの脳内分布ならびにγ-アミノ酪酸上昇効果に関するより詳細なる研究(発表論文抄録(1983年))
- Effect of the Cholesterol Content on the Stability of Liposomes in the Blood Circulation
- 水中乾燥法による Sulfamethizole 含有 Eudragit RS-Microcapsule の調整におけるステアリン酸金属塩類の効果
- 薬物含有Eudragit RS-Microcapsuleの調製におけるステアリン酸マグネシウムの効果