環境修復における光合成微生物の利用 : 微細藻類による重金属の除去を中心に
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The microorganisms play an important role in selfpurification of water and soil environment as decomposers in the ecosystem. Microbial technologies, such as a activated sludge or oxidation pond processes, have been extensively applied to the treatment of industrial and domestic sewages to break down organic wastes. Another type of treatment is based on their ability to remove specific substances such as phosphorus, nitrates and heavy metals. The environmental pollution by toxic metals, especially Pb, Hg, Cd, is a potential hazard to the health and welfare of mankind. Many people in Japan suffered from diseases caused by pollution of heavy metals, such as ache-ache disease and Minamata disease. We feel misgivings about the similar environmental pollution in the developing countries, for the rapidly growing industrial operations would release heavy metals and those metals even at very low concentrations would be concentrated biologically through natural food chains. Microalgae can concentrate metals and transform them into less hazardous forms, and the use of microalgal biomass would offer a potential alternative to conventional methods for detoxification and for recovery of toxic or valuable metals. This review summarizes an information on physiological relations between heavy metals and microorganisms, especially microalgae, and presents some applications of algal biotechnology that has been developed to use microalgal biomass for bioremediation of heavy metals.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-12-31
永瀬 裕康
Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
宮本 和久
宮本 和久
永瀬 裕康
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- 656 微細藻類を用いた排ガス中NOxの連続処理と窒素源としての利用
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- 環境修復における光合成微生物の利用 : 微細藻類による重金属の除去を中心に
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- 1231 微細藻類による排水中の有害有機物質の除去
- 319 藻体バイオマス由来成分による光合成細菌の水素生成促進効果
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