アブラゼミGnaptopsaltria nigrofuscataの性比について
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The sex ratio of the cicada, Gnaptopsaltria nigrofuscata, was studied with its molting skins. The molting skins were found on leaves, twigs, stems and ground and were gathered at 5 different localities in Tokyo and a locality in Chiba in 1960 and 1961. Morphological differences between the male and the female molting skins are illustrated in figure 1. The 10th and 11th sternites were larger in males than in females. The primordia of the ovipositor were located between the 9th and 10th sternites in fomales but not in males. The measurements of body weight, total length, and abdominal width revealed that the molting skin of females is larger in both weight and size than that of males (Table 1). In August, September and October of 1961, 906 molting skins of this species were collected. The sex ratio of these specimens was 130.5. There was a tendency for the sex ratio to be higher in the earlier period than in the later period of the season. In 1961, more precise study was done. Molting skins were gathered almost every day in some localities and 2 or 3 times a week in others during a period from July 9 to September 7. Before and after this period no molting skin of this species was found in any of the above 6 localities. A female molting skin, however, was found on October 16 at Tanashi, Tokyo. This period from July 9 to September 7 was further divided into 5 short perieds and the numbers of male and female specimens obtained at all localities were summed up in each period (Fig. 4). The collection data at Shiinamachi and Komaba, Tokyo are also shown in figures 2 and 3 respectively. These results showed that in males the peak of occurrence took place during the second and third periods but in females during the third and fourth periods (Fig. 4). Figures 2 and 3 also indicate that the active occurrence of males proceeded about one week that of females. This difference of active occurrence between males and females caused the decrease of sex ratio with time, the sex ratio being 438.9, 282.0, 96.3, 82.6 and 48.7 from the first to fifth periods, respectively. The sex ratio of total specimens collected at each locality varied between 104.3 and 139.8. The sex ratio, which was calculated from all the specimens collected at all 5 localities throughout the 5 periods, was 117.0 (1957 males: 1673 females).
- 1962-09-15
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