- 論文の詳細を見る
Changes in the distribution of radioyttrium administered to the eye were studied during lens regeneration. 0.2ml of physiological saline solution containing 3.5μc of carrier-free radioyttrium-91 was intraperitoneally injected to the adult newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster (BOIE). Three days later, the lens tissue was removed from the ritht eye, whie the left was kept intact. Animals were operated in groups of threes and were sacrificed after regeneration periods of 3, 13, 19 and 26 days. Both eyes were examined by autoradiography. 1) Three days after removal of the lens, ^<91>Y had accumulated dominantly in the pigmented part of the eye, such as the iris, choroid and pigment epithelium of retina, while only slightly in the nonpigmented part, such as the cornea and the visual cell layer. Thirteen days after removal of the lens, it was more abundantly found in the anterior part than in the posterior part of the eye ball. After 26 days, ^<91>Y was localized in the lentoid and the depigmenting epithelial cells derived from the edge of iris. 2) In the intact eye, on the contrary, there was no remarkable difference in the distribution pattern of ^<91>Y autoradiograms taken at any time after the injection; ^<91>Y was retained all over the pigmented tissues, showing no difference in its distribution between anterior and posterior parts of the eye. 3) The meaning of ^<91>Y behavior during lens regeneration has been discussed with reference to a previous test dealing with the yttrium-binding capacity of tissues. The author would like to postulate that ^<91>Y-bound substances or cells migrated toward the anterior part of the eye ball during the progress of lens regeneration.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1962-09-15
- アルテミアの走光性行動におけるノープリウス眼の役割
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