- 論文の詳細を見る
The Golgi apparatus in liver cells of silver carp, Carassius auratus, was studied by means of osmium- and silver-impregnation methods, cytochemical techniques and supravital staining methods, and by phase contrast microscopy in fresh material. The Golgi apparatus was found in the osmium- or silver-preparations as several blackened strands and spherules assembled at one side of the nucleus, or scattered along the intracellular bile canaliculus. Observations of fresh liver cells with the phase optics showed clear canaliculate structures which seem to correspond to the strands in the osmium- or silver preparations. The lipochondria lying in most cases near the Golgi area and along the bile canaliculus were observed as small blackened bodies in the osmium- and silver-preparations, but each of them was found to be an elementary myelin figure when carefully examined in the fresh cell by phase microscopy. The Golgi strands and spherules were not stained supravitally with neutral red, although their walls took the dye on prolonged staining. The lipochondria were stained easily. The lipochondria were colored with sudan black, but not the Golgi apparatus. The liver sinusoids responded strongly to alkaline phospatase, while the Golgi elements gave no such reaction. The intracellular bile canaliculus which shows impregnation by the Golgi technique, extends towards, and terminates in, the Golgi area. In some cases, the canaliculi and the Golgi strands or spherules were connected by very fine strands.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1959-07-15
- 蚊類幼虫の塩分調節機構に関する研究 : 第 2 報海水による体液濃度の変動と調節
- 綜合討論(形態・細胞・遺伝)
- ミミズ神経細胞のゴルジ体
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- ハマグリ神経細胞のゴルジ体(生態・細胞形態・遺伝)
- 膵細胞分泌の位差法による研究(細胞・形態・原生動物)
- マコガレイのランゲルハンス島の微細構造(形態学)
- トウゴウヤブカ幼虫尾突起の微細構造(生理・生化学)
- スズキ属魚類の培養細胞に見られた仁形成部位の連結について(分類・系統学)
- ゴルジ装置とジクチオゾーム(生化学・細胞・遺伝)
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- イモリ膵細胞のゴルジ小管系とリポコンドリア
- イモリ膵細胞のゴルジ小管系(形態学・心理学・生態学)
- 軟体動物神経細胞におけるゴルジ要素の生体的観察