- 論文の詳細を見る
The Golgi bodies in the neurones of the supra- and suboesophagal ganglia and the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord of the earthworms, Pheretima communissima Goto et Hatai and Allolophora foetida Sav., were studied by classical methods, phase-contrast microscopy, supravital staining and cytochemical procedures. They are blackened with either osmium or silver as separated bodies or dictyosomes in the form of a ring, crescent or horseshoe. They are either evenly distributed in the cytoplasm around the nucleus or they are clustered in the abundant cytoplasm at the anti-axonal end of the cell (Fig. 2). In prolonged impregnation, they become indistinct in outline, often coalesce with each other and simulate a network (Fig. 1). The Golgi bodies are directly observable in the living cell under the phase-contrast microscope with a Dark Medium or a Dark Low objective. They appear like spheroids with a bright yellowish medulla and a dark cortex (Fig. 3). However, in supravital staining of the cells with either neutral red or methylene blue, they are tinged uniformly with the dye. Cytochemical reactions indicate that lipids and expecially phospholipids are a main constituent of the Golgi bodies (Fig. 4). The presence in them of either alkaline phosphatase or vitamin C is not noticed with a positive evidence. Some cytochemical reactions are often stronger in the cortex or rim than in the center of the Golgi bodies (Table. 1). The result of the present study is that the Golgi bodies in the neurones of the earthworms are dicrete units lipoidal in nature, but there is no evidence that they are binary in structure and play a secretory function.
- 1956-12-15
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