- 論文の詳細を見る
The Golgi canalicules and the lipochondria in the pancreatic acinar cell of newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster, were studied with the phase contrast microscope, supravital staining, silver- and osmiumimpregnation methds and cytochemical techniques. The Golgi apparatus is shown by the classical methods in the supranuclear area and round the upper half of the nucleus and consists of several fine strands (Fig. 2.). When small clusters of fresh acinar cells are examined under the phase contrast microscope, clear canalicules are observed which correspond to the strands above mentioned (Fig. 3.). The canalicules do not communicate with, but are in proximity to each other, thus constituting a canalicular system. They are not stained supravitally either with neutral red or with methylene blue except their walls, which take up the dye on prolonged staining. The lipocondria are situated in or near the Golgi region. They appear under the phase contrast to consist of a dark periphery and a bright yellowish core. On close study, they are provided with irregular outlines and not with central cavity, their features being characteristic of elementary myelin forms. They are stained supravitally with neutral red and methylene blue. The so-called Golgi net, which is often demonstrated with classical Golgi techniques, is thought to include the Golgi canalicular system and, at least, part of the lipochondria which are also blackened. Both Golgi canalicules and lipochondria react positively to the acid-hematein test. The latter are colored with sudan black, but not the former. Demonstration of alkaline phosphatase and vitamin C failed in both of them.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1957-10-15
- 蚊類幼虫の塩分調節機構に関する研究 : 第 2 報海水による体液濃度の変動と調節
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