母体飢餓のマウス胎児に及ぼす影響, 特に胎児肝グリコゲンについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
Glycogen storage in the liver of the mouse fetus was histologically examined by the application of PAS technique, with particular attention to the effects of maternal starvation for 1 to 3 days at various stages of pregnancy (Table). Generally, maternal starvation resulted in a decrease of fetal body weight. Absorption of fetal bodies as the consequence of death of the fetuses occurred frequently in the mothers which had been starved on earlier periods than day 15 of pregnancy. In fetuses which the untreated mothers conceived, the liver glycogen was first noticed on day 15 or 16 and was observed to accumulate in abundance on day 18 and 19. Following material starvation for 1 to 3 days prior to sacrifice, the liver glycogen content in fetuses on day 18 was relatively low, suggesting somewhat retardation of the glycogen-storing capacity due to the mother's starvation. In fetuses on day 19, on the other hand, even after preceding 3 day's starvation, the glycogen content was very high, as compared with that in the normal fetuses. These findings seem to suggest that, even though glycogen storage in the fatal liver may be retarded due to maternal starvation, the degradation of glycogen is far less active than that in the maternal liver, the glycogen content of which diminishes markedly following only one day's starvation. Nemeth ('54) found, as the result of his biochemical study on the fetal liver of the guinea-pig, that glucose-6-phosphatase participating in converting liver glycogen into blood glucose was not present up to birth. If this be the case in mice, although detailed studies are little avaiable regarding the enzyme in fatal mouse liver, it is highly probable that the lack of the enzyme concerned in degradation of glycogen should be responsible for little diminution of the glycogen content of the fatal liver following maternal starvation.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1959-06-15
橋本 善之
橋本 善之
江口 保暢
橋本 善之
江口 保暢
橋本 善之
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