二三の昆虫卵に於けるコリンエステラーゼ(ニカメイチュウ, ヨトウムシ, カイコ卵)について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The appearance and the change in activity of cholinesterase (ChE) during development was studied by Hestrin's ('49) colorimetric method in the eggs of the rice stem borer, Chilo simplex Butl., and the cabbage army worm, Barathra brassicae L. Also ChE of the non-diapause egg of the silk worm, Bombyx mori L., was investigated with the above mentioned colorimetric method as well as observing its pharmacological action on the frog's rectus muscle. 1) In the egg of the 1st generation rice stem borer, ChE was first observed at about 40 hours after oviposition, or 25〜30 hours before blastokinesis. The ChE activity gradually increased to reach a maximum value at the time of hatching. At this time about 1.1μM of acetylcholine (Ach) was hydrolyzed in 60 minutes by 1mg of egg (wet weight) at 37.5℃. 2) In the egg of the 1st generation cabbage army worm, the ChE activity was first detected at about 70 hours after oviposition, about 20 hours before blastokinesis. The enzyme activity increased rapidly and reached a maximum at the hatching time, when about 0.8μM of Ach was hydrolysed in 60 minutes by 1mg of egg (37.5℃). 3) In the non-diapause egg of the silk worm, the ChE activity was first observed 5〜6 days after oviposition, coinciding roughly to the time of blastokinesis. The ChE activity gradually increased. The maximum activity was observed at the time of hatching, when about 0.72μM of Ach was hydrolyzed by 1mg of egg in 60 minutes. 4) The time of appearance of ChE as shown above indicates no correlation with the development of the nervous system at least among these insects. 5) The results of the present experiments on the eggs of the rice stem borer and the cabbage army worm seem to provide evidence that the Ach-like-substance contained in these insect eggs reported in the previous paper (1953) is Ach itself.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1954-05-15
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- 二三の昆虫卵に於けるコリンエステラーゼ(ニカメイチュウ, ヨトウムシ, カイコ卵)について
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