ウニ卵の人工處女生殖の研究 : XIV.蒸留水や尿素液による膜形成とその増感法
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It has been known that the sea urchin eggs can be activated by distilled water or urea solution. But the activation by these methods was found to be difficult in the eggs of Pseudocentrotus depressus. I found that if Pseudocentrotus eggs were washed in 0.54M NaCl solution for a few minutes, the membrane formation could be induced by the treatment in distilled water or urea solution. Ca Mg free sea water and 0.54MN KCl were also effective to sensitize the eggs. The solution containing Ca or Mg was ineffective.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1950-04-15
- 綜合討論(発生学・実験形態学)
- 綜合討論(発生学・実験形態学)
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