- 論文の詳細を見る
Groups of male rats were given a single, subcutaneous injection of 1.5mg cadmium chlorida. One group of these animals was autopsied 7 hours after injection, and the wet-and dry-weights of the various organs were recorded. In addition to an edematous change with an increase in weight of the testes, cadmium injection induced a signifcant increase in weight only in the androgen-sensitive organs, such as the seminal vesicles, prostates and levator ani muscle. Inanother group of animals killed at 15 hours after injection, the wet- and dry-weights of the androgen-sensitive organs no longer revealed, on the contraey, any difference from those of non-injected controls. Furthermore, in order to check whether androgen was released from the testis itself, a similar experiment was carried out with castrated male rats. The treatment, however, brought about no apparent change in organ weight in castrated rats given cadmium administration as compared with untreated castrated rats. On the basis of these findings, it was concluded that the testes respond to injected cadmium by a rapid increase in discharge of androgen.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1966-10-15
野首 和人
前川 久太郎
恒成 靖生
野首 和人
岡田 仁一
恒成 靖生
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