モンシロチョウ(Pieris rapae crucivora)の配偶行動に関する研究 : I.深雌飛翔雄に対する静止雄のflutter responseについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
Swarming of the cabbage white butterflies is frequently encountered in a cabbage field in early summer. The swarming population consists mainly of males flying about in search of the newly emerged females which are still resting on the cabbage leaves. Such flying males sometimes rest on the leaves. During our observations in 1961, it was noticed that, when a flying male comes close to a resting male, the latter flutters his wings. This response was regularly relesased whenever the flying male came within a definite distance (about 30cm), and was refered to as the 'flutter response' and attempts werre made to analyse its mechanism. In an earlier phase of the analysis we presumed that a male flying in search of females is always attracted by any white object and approaches it since the male was often seen landing even on a piece of white paper or cloth. We further supposed that his subsequent behaviour, an approach or none, would be determined by the response of the approached, where the fluttering of a resting male would serve as a signal indicating that this is a male. The results of the experimental analysis revealed that the matter is quite different, however. Male and female butterflies freshly killed by pressing the thorax were fixed on the tip of a wire with their wings closed (fig. 1). Such primitive models were arranged on the cabbage leaves. Flying males continuously approached the female models, clung to them and tried to mate with them, but the male models were never approached (Fig. 2). The same male models, however, strongly attracted flying males (Fig. 4) if they were rapidly rotated in the way shown in Fig. 3. Closer observations on the behaviour of flying and resting males made it clear that no flying male actively approached prior to the flutter response of the resting male. When a male or female model in rotation was presented at a distance of 15cm from a resting male, the latter showed either one of the following responses: flutter, take-off, or no response. The frequency with which the take-off response occurred was highest for Model No. 6 (female with upper side of wings, Fig. 5) and lowest for Model No. 3 (male with upper side of wings). Such a comparison of the take-off response rate for various madels (Fig. 6) seems to indicate that the male wings stimulate males less than the female wings. Providing this is true the following interpretation of the flutter response appears reasonable: a resting male is scarcely noticed by a flying male, but the stimulus produced by the motion of wings of the flying male is sufficient to release the flutter response in the resting male, but insufficient to release its take-off. The flutter response causes the flying male to actively approach. However, since the stimulus elicited by the wing motion of the fluttering resting male is also insufficient to really strongly attract the flying male, it immediately flies away. Then the stimulus disappearing, the flutter response of the resting male also ceases. Using this interpretation, this response has therefore no adaptive significance as signal but the possibility taht it might be approaching ritualization need not necessarily be excluded.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1964-05-15
小原 嘉明
日高 敏隆
小原 嘉明
小原 嘉明
小原 嘉明
日高 敏隆
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