モンシロチョウ(Pieris rapae crucivora)の配偶行動に関する研究 : II.雌の'交尾拒否姿勢'について
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As briefly noted in the previous paper (Obara and Hidaka, Zool. Mag. 73: 131-135), males of the cabbage white butterfly flying in search of females immediately approach any resting female they find. The female responds to the approaching male with either one of the following responses: 1) she stays motionless and permits the male to mate her, 2) she abruptly opens her wings and lifts her abdomen upright, copulation being mechanically pervented. This second response and its mechanical effect have been pointed out by petersen and Tenow (1954) in Pieris napi and P. bryoniae (Abwehrstellung) as well as by Magnus in other butterflies. For the Pieris rapae crucivora of Japan, Niimura (1950) described the same behaviour, but no analytical attempts were made hitherto. The present paper deals with some experimental results on this 'mate-refusal posture' of Pieris rapae crucivora female. Males and females were separated within their pupal period by genitalia-anlage inspection. Such 'never-mated' pair of a male and a female were put in a cage and their behavior was observed. In 15 cases observed, all females stayed motionless during the male's approach and copulation took place without any hindrance. Those pairs which thus copulated were not disturbed until the end of copulation. then, 2-3 hours after the termination of copulation, these 'mated' females were transfered to a cage with several males. Here, all females responded to the approach of males with the typical mate-refusal posture. Another series of experiments (Table 1) indicated that this posture is regularly taken by mated females upon the approach of males. It will therefore be safe to conclude that this 'mate-refusal posture' is a response characteristic to mated females and is never released in virgin females. One complete copulation seems sufficient to change the psycho-physiological state of a female butterfly. This response appears to be of reflex nature. Experiments with models domonstrated the importance of the wing movement of the male as a releasing stimulus of this posture. Female wings were also effective, but the models of another species, Colias hyale poliographus (males and females) failed to release a regular and typical response. Optical features of the object seem to play an important role as well as motion. It seems likely that the mate-refusal posture has some ecological significance in preventing excess copulation of once mated and fertilized females. Field observations revealed, however, that this posture has no apparent signaling function. that about 30% of males soon flew away from the female taking this posture appears to suggest that its ritualization is now in progrss.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1964-06-15
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