- 論文の詳細を見る
The stepping pattern of the crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, while walking sideways is basically the alternating tetrapod gait in which the segmental pairs of legs step synchronously and the ipsilateral adjacent pairs reciprocally. However, amputation of a leg, for example the 3rd leg on either side, results immediately in an ipsilateral phase shift so that the 2nd and 4th legs move reciprocally. No changes are observed in an animal with the dactylopodite amputated or with the leg prevented from dropping out after autotomy or with an artificial extension attached to the stump of the basi-ischiopodite retained after autotomy. The fixing of one of the 3rd legs at its full elevation causes long-term changes in the interleg phase relationships of ipsilateral legs. The binding of the 3rd and 4th legs on either side, the amputation of three pairs of legs, or the fixing of the prodactylopodite joint of the 3rd leg on the trailing side at its full extension results in longterm changes in walking posture: the walking posture of the animal that have been operated on improves with actual "experience" of walking after the operations. Thus, these long-term changes probably depend on the plastic properties of the neural control system of the walking movement.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1977-06-25
- 麻酔剤の筋細胞興奮時におよぼす影響(生理)
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- 生体情報の統合と発現 : ザリガニの場合 III.
- 生体情報の統合と発現 : ザリガニの場合 II.
- 生体情報の統合と発現 : ザリガニの場合 I.
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- 節足動物の中枢における感覚情報の処置と統合に関する研究
- "越し方"と"行く末"