吉田肉腫におけるバルーン細胞の細胞学的研究II : In vitro 及び電子顕微鏡的観察
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Signet-ring cell-like giant cells, termed "balloon cells", were found in ultracentrifugal supernatant of cell suspension of a Yoshida ascites sarcoma subline. Inoculations of single balloon cell into the peritoneal cavity of healthy rats resulted in the occurrence of ascites fluid in which normal Yoshida sarcoma cells were present. The tumor cells induced by inoculation of single balloon cell showed the same chromosome complement as the original tumor cells. The balloon cells were statically cultured in vitro in a medium consisting of 5 parts of Earle's BSS containing 0.5% lactalbumin hydrolysate and 5 parts of the supernatant of the ascites or in the supernatant of the ascites. The balloon cells attached to the glass surface became to normal Yoshida sarcoma cells. The electron microscopic examination revealed that the ballooned portion of the cells consisted of a thin layer of cytoplasm sandwiched by outer and inner plasma membranes. Usually two (or more) desmosomes were observed in the thin layer of cytoplasm of a balloon cell. This seemed to suggest that a balloon cell of Yoshida ascites sarcoma might consist of two (or more) independent cells. From the present data in addition to the previous ones, it seems reasonable to assume that the balloon cells are responsible for the transplantability of the sarcoma by the inoculation of the supernatant from the Yoshida ascites sarcoma.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1968-03-15
小島 吉雄
高山 奨
高山 奨
高山 奨
高山 奨
加藤 文裕
加藤 文裕
高山 奨
小島 吉雄
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