Precise Measurement for Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Rod Materials Using an Image-Type Resonator Method (Special Issue on Measurement Techniques for Microwave/Millimeter Wave)
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copyright(c)1994 IEICE許諾番号:07RB0174An image type resonator method is proposed as a method to evaluate precisely the temperature dependence of dielectric material. At first, the temperature coefficients of the resonant frequencies, TC_f are measured separately using the shielded dielectric resonators of three types; that is a parallel plate type, and an image type, and a MIC type resonator. Secondly, an intrinsic temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency TC_<f0>, which is defined as the temperature coefficient of a resonant frequency when all the stored energy is confined inside a dielectric, is estimated from these measured TC_f. Actually, the TC_<f0> values of a sapphire and (Zr・Sn)TiO_4 rod are estimated from the TC_f values measured for the resonators of three types. As a result, for the parallel plate type, the precision of TC_<f0> is about ±0.1ppm/℃. For the image and MIC types, the errors of about ±0.5ppm/℃ in the TC_<f0> values arise from the errors in the linear expansion coefficients of the resonators, rather than from the experimental errors in TC_f. Then, another image type resonator is designed to estimate TC_<f0> within error of ±0.1ppm/℃. In this design, dimensions of the shielding cavity is determined to reduce the influence of the errors in the linear expansion coefficients on precision of the TC_<f0> estimation. Finally, for a (Zr・Sn)TiO_4 ceramic rod, a TC_<f0> value estimated from TC_f measured for the image type resonator is obtained with accuracy of about ±0.1ppm/℃.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1994-06-25
KOGAMI Yoshinori
Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University
Kobayashi Yoshio
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Katoh Masayuki
Faculty Of Engineering Mie University
Katoh Masayuki
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Kogami Yoshinori
Faculty Of Engineering Utsunomiya University
Kobayashi Yoshio
Faculty Of Engineering Ibaraki University
小林 禧夫
Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
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