A Game Theorem-Based Approach to Avoid Malicious Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
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In ubiquitous context of mobile ad hoc networks, all network functions must be performed by the nodes themselves. Whereas the bandwidth allocated per node decreases with the number of nodes increase, some nodes may be interested in higher bandwidth, in this case, they may intend not to relay packets for other nodes. If most nodes find it benefit for themselves, their sequacious actions may break down the whole network. We address this as malicious nodes problem. In this paper, our approach is based on game theory with noncooperation, i. e., there are conflicts for which the rules of a game do not specify any agreement or cooperation. We establish a simple malicious node game that models the bandwidth payoffs for the network and the nodes, define contribution rate (CR) and attack rate (AR) for the two strategies of each node, and then we show Nash equilibria exist in all-node strategy set. Finally we propose an algorithm that converges to a Nash equilibrium.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2004-07-08
Yamada Shigeki
National Institute of Informatics
山田 茂樹
上岡 英史
National Inst. Of Informatics Tokyo Jpn
LI Mingmei
Dept. of Informatics, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies
National Institute of Informatics
LI Mingmei
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, National Institute of Informatics
Li Mingmei
Dept. Of Informatics The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Yamada Shigeki
National Inst. Informatics(nii) Tokyo
Yamada Shigeki
National Inst. Informatics (nii) Tokyo Jpn
Kamioka Eiji
National Inst. Informatics Tokyo Jpn
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