Pricing to Stimulate Node Cooperation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks(Network)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In wireless ad hoc networks, network services are provided through the cooperation of all nodes. Albeit that good teamwork could smoothly run a mobile network, selfish node behaviors would probably cause it to break down. Some examples of these selfish node behaviors would include, "listening only" for saving energy or "receiving the valuable" without forwarding the packets to others. To cope with this problem, we propose PDM, a price-demand function based pricing model, to restrains the selfish behaviors of mobile nodes. PDM is based on the packet sending requirements of the source nodes and the forwarding cost of relay nods. Using this pricing methodology, the packet forwarding activities will be profitable for the relay node and further stimulate cooperation in the network. In particular, the new model enjoys the merit of giving relay nodes no reason to dishonestly report their forwarding costs, because an honest cost claim has proven to be an optimal strategy for relay nodes. Furthermore, our new model uses a price-demand function to reflect the relationship between the service demand of the source nodes and the service supply of the relay nodes. As a consequence, our approach reduces the source nodes' payments to send packets, and at the same time guarantees that the packets sent by the source nodes are delivered to the destination.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-07-01
Yamada Shigeki
National Institute of Informatics
上岡 英史
山田 茂樹
上岡 英史
National Inst. Of Informatics Tokyo Jpn
LI Mingmei
Dept. of Informatics, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies
National Institute of Informatics
Li Mingmei
Dept. Of Informatics The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Yamada Shigeki
National Inst. Informatics(nii) Tokyo
Yamada Shigeki
National Inst. Informatics (nii) Tokyo Jpn
Kamioka Eiji
National Inst. Informatics Tokyo Jpn
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- Pricing to Stimulate Node Cooperation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks(Network)
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- Maximizing User Satisfaction Based on Mobility in Heterogeneous Mobile Multimedia Communication Networks(Mobile Multimedia Communications)
- Efficient Packet forwarding Strategies via Pricing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (日韓合同ワークショップ 1st Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and Networking Systems (ubiCNS 2005))
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- Securing Data in Mobile Computing Environment
- Performance Evaluation of Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support Protocol and Route Optimization
- Securing Data in Mobile Computing Environment
- Performance Evaluation of Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support Protocol and Route Optimization
- Proposal for Context-Aware Information Delivery and Personal Communication Network Architectures with Preliminary Evaluations of Their Performance(Network)
- Effect of Mobility on User Satisfaction in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
- A Game Theorem-Based Approach to Avoid Malicious Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
- A Proposal of Context-Aware Information Delivery System in Mobile Environments
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- BS-10-24 Privacy loss in Multi-agent Negotiation(BS-10. Network Planning, Control, and Management)
- Ubiquitous Computing; Networks and Applications(The IEICE Transactions (publishedin Japanese) Vol. J 86-B, No.6(Communications))
- Access Control for Security and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments(Ubiquitous Networks)
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- BS-4-26 Managing Intermittent Connectivity(IC) in Delay Tolerant Network(DTN)(BS-4. System, control and design technologies for emerging network)
- Sequence Set with Three Zero Correlation Zones and Its Application in MC-CDMA System(Sequence Design and its Application in Communications)
- General Method to Construct LS Codes by Complete Complementary Sequences(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- B-15-3 天気情報を伝えるアンビエント音の心理調査(B-15.モバイルマルチメデイア通信,一般セッション)
- B-15-10 実環境におけるセッションベースWLAN接続制御方式の検討(B-15.モバイルマルチメデイア通信,一般セッション)
- B-15-9 動的パケット制御による高品質音声通信(B-15.モバイルマルチメデイア通信,一般セッション)
- シミュレーションと実測データによるVoIP品質に関する考察(MoMuC研究会学生特別セッション,移動通信ワークショップ)
- ネットワーク負荷を考慮したセッションベースWLAN接続制御(MoMuC研究会学生特別セッション,移動通信ワークショップ)
- 加速度センサを用いたパターンマッチングによる移動状態推定(モバイルユビキタス/センサ技術,アドホックネットワーク,RFID,一般及び技術展示)
- サーバの移動を考慮したマルチキャスト経路構築法(MoMuC研究会学生特別セッション,移動通信ワークショップ)
- B-15-2 ユーザコンテクストを用いたクラウド型仮想ネットワーク接続制御(B-15. モバイルマルチメディア通信,一般セッション)
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- B-15-3 アンビエント音を用いた不快音環境の快適化(B-15. モバイルマルチメディア通信,一般セッション)
- ランキングとユーザの感性に基づいたモバイルコンテンツ配信(無線PAN,IPTV,画像符号化,ストリーム技術及び一般)
- 脳波を用いたユーザの行動推定と屋内位置推定方式(無線PAN,IPTV,画像符号化,ストリーム技術及び一般)
- B-15-5 ネットワークトラヒックの類似性に基づくアプリケーション判別(B-15.モバイルマルチメディア通信,一般セッション)
- Webコンテンツ共有を実現するためのセッション制御手法 (モバイルマルチメディア通信)