高齢社会における福祉教育の実態と課題 : 神奈川県横浜市と栃木県を事例として(<特集>「高齢化・小子化」)
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The purpose of this investigation is to clarify facts of the education of social welfare, and search into its problems in the aged society as well as the relation between the home economics and the social welfare education. This paper aims to point out the facts of and the problems involved with the education of social welfare. A questionnaire was sent to and collected from 315 schools in Yokohama City and Tochigi Prefecture (elementary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools) in which social welfare was taught from 1989 to 1992. The main findings may be summarized as follows: 1) The education of social welfare is believed to be effective when what is taught is experienced and practiced in "Special Activities. "It is, however, important not to fall into the type of" experiencism" that is not intellectually guided. In other words, there is much hoped for the way social welfare is taught in class. 2) There is a need to give more importance on the fundamental human rights (enough emphasis is given on the spiritual side of the social welfare education). 3) Social welfare has been increasingly taught in the home economics class or as one of the subjects of the home economics class. The relation between the social welfare education and the home economics will be dealt with in a separate paper.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1996-02-15
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- 高齢社会における福祉教育の実態と課題 : 神奈川県横浜市と栃木県を事例として(「高齢化・小子化」)
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