女子高校生の自己の体型に関する意識と夏期用衣服の色彩嗜好 : 熊本県の場合
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The present study aimed to examine, by a group survey, relationships between color preference for clothes, reasons for or against particular colors, and body form consciousness, in terms of summer clothes with high school girls as subjects. The findings are as follows : (1) Concerning the colors the high school girls prefer and wear, the rate of white was higher for their upper clothes and that of the neutral colors of black and white higher for their lower clothes. As to their preferred hue, blue appeared more frequently and their preferred tone was pale for their upper clothes while dark and deep tones were preferred for their lower clothes. (2) Concerning the colors they don't like and want to wear, they did not show any prominent tendency. The hue they disliked was the warm colors such as red and yellow; as to the tone they disliked, dark and light grayish colors appeared more frequently, from which we inferred a seasonal influence. (3) Those that felt they were "rather fleshy" formed the largest group in terms of their body form consciousness. (4) Color Preference and body form consciousness were found to be related to each other in terms of their preference of hue as well as tone for their upper clothes, the hues of the clothes they wear, and the hues they disliked to wear for their lower clothes. The color preference of the "rather fleshy" students was considered to be different from that of the others. (5) Concerning the reasons for the students' likes and dislikes of wearing certain colors, the "rather fleshy" students took into consideration their body form in choosing colors for their lower clothes . (Received November 28, 1990)
- 1991-12-15
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- 女子高校生の自己の体型に関する意識と夏期用衣服の色彩嗜好 : 熊本県の場合
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