治療用アフェレシスの効果に対するバランス(陰陽)仮説について : 第19回日本アフェレシス学会特別講演
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In the past, therapeutic effects of apheresis were due to effective removal of pathological macromolecules and leukocytes. However, the removal of these components from circulatory blood was not necessary to produce the lower level of these components in circulating blood. Very often a rebound phenomena took place, particularly, leukocyte kinetics after apheresis procedures, and demonstrated an increased level of circulating leukocytes. Thus, in order to assess the clinical effects of apheresis procedures, it was very difiicult to discuss in terms of the removal of pathological macromolecules and/or leukocytes alone. A balancing ("Yin-Yang") hypothesis is thus proposed to be able to understand more realistically clinical efficacy of therapeutic apheresis.
- 日本アフェレシス学会の論文
- 1999-11-30
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