- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1983, the concept of therapeutic artificial organs was proposed by the primary author of this paper. More than 20 years later, new approaches to this concept are well underway. In the past, artificial organs for destination therapy, for bridge to transplantation, bridge to recovery and bridge to regeneration were widely used. It would be these authors' opinion that future artificial organs would be for bridge to therapy. Currently, developments of various types of immunomodulation technologies are well established and therapeutic artificial organs for the treatment of autoimmune disease have become a well-accepted concept. It is these authors' opinion, if we utilize apheresis technologies properly, that we should be able to slow the aging process of mankind. Physical youth, and perhaps mental well-being. can be achieved by apheresis technologies. However, to maintain total youth and enjoy a high quality of life, it is essential to maintain a strong will to live. In this article, an example to prevent the aging process of the human body is described as an artificial organ. This new type of anti-aging artificial organ is named "Juzo"-the organ for a longer life-in Japanese.
- 日本アフェレシス学会の論文
- 2004-05-31
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