A microphone array system using iterative echo suppression method as inverse filtering
Ebata M
Kumamoto National College Of Technology
Ebata Masanao
Kumamoto National College Of Technology
Ebata Masanao
The Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Usagawa Tsuyoshi
The Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University
Usagawa Tsuyoshi
Graduate School Of Sci. And Technol. Kumamoto Univ.
Usagawa Tsuyoshi
Kumamoto University
Usagawa T
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University
Usagawa Tsuyoshi
Kumamoto Univ. Kumamoto‐shi Jpn
Shimada Hirokazu
Kumamoto University
Sawada Yoshiaki
Kumamoto University
Chisaki Yoshifumi
Kumamoto University
Chisaki Yoshifumi
Graduate School Of Sci. And Technol. Kumamoto Univ.
Usagawa Tsuyoshi
Kumamoto Univ. Graduate School Of Sci. And Technol. Kumamoto Jpn
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