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Bacterial strains, isolated from the urinary tract infections in the urological department of the Tokyo University Hospital, were composed of 475 (85.6%) strains of gram negative bacilli and 80 (14.4%) strains of gram positive cocci. Among gram negative bacilli 8 (1.7%) strains were resistant to gentamicin (GM). These GM resistances were not transferred to Escherichia coli K-12 strain CSH-2 by bacterial mating. On the other hand, two types of R factors (Rkt1 and Rkt1+kt2) were obtained from a strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae ON-1 isolated from urine of a patient suffering from postoperative urinary tract infection at another hospital. The properties of these R factors were as follows: 1) Rkt1 carried resistances to sulfanilamide (SA), streptomycin (SM), tetracycline (TC), kanamycin (KM), and GM. Rkt1+kt2 carried resistances to aminobenzylpenicillin (ABPC), carbenicillin (CBPC), and cephaloridine (CER) in addition to the above five drugs. 2) When the mating was made between ON-1 and CSH-2, the transfer frequency of Rkt1 was 1.5×10^<-5>, whereas that of Rkt1+kt2 was 4.0×10^<-8> per donor cell. 3) Both R factors were fi-R factors, stable in CSH-2, and subsequently transferred to Escherichia coli K-12 strain W3104 at a high frequency. 4) The DNAs of both R factors were revealed to show the same buoyant density of 1.712g/cm^3 in CsCl when analyzed by CsCl density gradient centrifugation. Clinical significances of GM resistance and of the R factor were discussed.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1976-12-20
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