分腎機能研究 : 腎血管性高血圧における腎盂尿中酸素分圧とナトリウム再吸収について
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Split renal function studies including examinations on urinary oxygen tension and reabsorption of sodium were carried out on 13 cases of unilateral renovascular hypertension, 4 cases of bilateral renovascular hypertension, 5 cases of essential hypertension and on 5 cases with unilateral renal disorders not relating to hypertension. Anaerobically collected renal pelvic urine was examined by the gas analyzer with Clark type oxygen electrode. The urinary oxygen tension ratio (% increase) was calculated as (ischemic side-contralateral side)/(contralateral side) ×100% and the sodium reabsorption ratio (% reduction) was calculated as (contralateral side-ischemic side)/(contralateral side) ×100% where reabsorption of sodium of the each kidney was calculated as (GFR x serum sodium content -urine volume x urinary sodium content). As for urinary oxygen tension ratio, 10 out of 13 unilateral renovascular hypertensives showed 30% or more increases, whereas one case showed only a 10% increase and the other 2 showed no increase. Every operated unilateral renovascular hypertensive patients showing 30% or more increases in urinary oxygen tension ratio gained normotension after surgery, whereas 2 cases without significant elevation of urinary oxygen tension ratio did not show any improvement in their hypertensive state postoperatively. Urinary oxygen tension ratio of bilateral renovascular hypertensive patients ranged between 0-30% and that of the control group without renal disease ranged between 3-6%.
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