- 論文の詳細を見る
It is important to divide the geological history from what kinds of view point, to clarify the earth's history which has the cyclic development. The writer considers that the late Miocene must be the first class turning period to divide the geological history. There are some characteristics in this period as follows: (1) There have been violent earth's crust upheavals in global scale since the late Miocene. (2) The volcanic activity can be seen in the uplifted areas since the late Miocene, while it can be seen in the subsidence areas before that period. (3) There have been evidences of 2000 meters' rise of sea-level until the early Pleistocene since the late Miocene. (4) The thickness of the marine sedimentary formation in the Miocene, shows the maximum value in the central part of the sedimentary basin, on the other hand, that after the Pliocene, shows the maximum in the upheaval areas around the sedimentary basin margins. (5) Looking at the fossils after the late Miocene, they show the obvious climatic zones compared with those in the Miocene, and the formers show the predominant appearance of the recent spcies. The growth of glacier is one of the special features in this period. After all, it is clear that in the time after the late Miocene, the lands have widely grown and the high mountains have also been formed, and it can be completely distinguished from the marine predominant period on the earth since the Cretaceous till the Miocene.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1973-07-01
- 日本の地質構造からみたプレート・テクトニクスをめぐる諸問題
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