- 論文の詳細を見る
Tectonic rclief in and near trenches around the Japanese Islands are described and discussed in terms of mode of tectonic deformations associated with large shallow earthquakes. Outer Ridges bordering the deep-sea terraces developed on the continental slopes are parts of uplifting during the recent geologieal times, probably Pliocene and Quaternary. Uplifts of the Outer Ridge arc interprcted to be originated from low-angle thrust faultings between the continental block and occanic one. A model of imbrication structure of the mega-thrust beneath the Outer Ridge and the landward slope of the trench is presented.
- 1976-03-25
- 84. 山西地溝帯北部六稜北麓における活断層および割れ目火山の分布と応力場
- 海薄付近の変動地形と地震
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- 紀伊半島南部の海岸段丘と地殻変動
- コルディエラ・ブランカ (ペルー) 西麓の活断層
- 日本における段丘・低地研究の現状と問題点--日本第4紀地図の作成を通して (日本第4紀研究の諸問題--第4紀地図の作成過程から)
- 駿河トラフ・相模トラフ周辺の変動地形 (南部フォッサマグナ・フィリピン海プレ-ト北縁のネオテクトニクス)
- 馬淵川中・下流沿岸の段丘と火山灰
- 相模湾北岸の沖積段丘,とくに下原貝層のC-14年代について