- 論文の詳細を見る
Stratigraphy of the Neogene system of the Nakadori-jima is shown as follows; [Table] The Chiji and Kounoura members of the Arikawa Formations were deposited in marine environment, especially the latter includes marine molluscan fossils, however, other members were deposited in nonmarine environment and the Iwaseura member is products of terrestrial volcanism. The Neogene system is intruded by granite porphyry, quartz porphyry, porphyrite, diorite, dolerite, andesite and rhyolite. The Quaternary monogenetic volcanoes of alkaline basalt occur in northern part of the islands. Volcanic rocks of the Nakadori-jima Group are hydrothermally altered and show green color. It is considered that these rocks occured in western margin of the Green Tuff region have tectonically significant meanings.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1984-11-30
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- P-180 長崎県,福江火山群のK-Ar年代(26. 噴火と火山発達史(液晶有),ポスター発表,一般講演)
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