- 論文の詳細を見る
A geological map of the Okinawa Island region and its western offshore area is preliminarily complied depending upon the analyses of numerous seismic reflection profiles (80 east-west traverses and 20 crossing ones) and the re-evaluation of land-based in formations. The results can be summarized in relation to the geological developmment of the South and southernmost Central Ryukyu Arcs as follows: 1) Paralic sediments represented by the Lower Miocene Yaeyama Group seem to develop throughout the South Ryukyu Arc, because the Group was most recently found in a petroleum exploration well drilled just northeast off the Miyako Island as its northern most distribution limit at the present knowledge. The drilling, moreover, shows the Yaeyama Group sequence quite similar to the equivalent on the west side of Taiwan. While the Taiwan sequence has been vigorously deform ed accompanying with thrust-faults, the Yaeyama Group of the South Ryukyu Arc gently inclines southeastwards. Therefore, the Arc has necessarily been shifted toward the Pacific Ocean by a dextral strike-slip fault against the Taiwan Arc in the Middle Miocene age, during which an orogenic movement seemingly started in Taiwan. 2) The northern end of the South Ryukyu Arc is sharply bounded also by a dextral strikeslip fault (Kerama Gap). Beyond the fault, any southwestern extension of the zonal structure of pre-Neogene basement in the Central Ryukyu Arc can not be traced. At the same time, the fault is accompanied with so great vetical throw as attained to 1,700 min cutting through the Middle to Upper Pleistocene Ryukyu Limestone. In the Central Ryukyu Arc, therefore, there is not recognized any northern extension of the ca. 360 km long and ca. 70 km wide "500 m deep island shelf", which characterizes the South Ryukyu Arc and is throughly covered with about 40 to 70 m thick Ryukyu Limestone. 3) An east to west running sinistral Strike-Slip fault may presumably be traced along the northern slop of the Kerama Islands shelf, with in the southernmost part of the Central Ryukyu Arc. Among the basement complex of the Okinawa Island, the Nago Group has been considerably sheared and overturned with northwestward dip and northeast-southwest strike in general along the northern two-thirds of the Island-axis, whereas the rather weakly sheared Nago Group in the Kerama Islands inclines southwestwards with general dip less than 30 degrees. The fault estimated between these two blocks may have been accomplished before the Late Mioceneage, i.e., before the deposition of the Shimajiri Group, because the fault not affected the volcanic to pyroclastic facies of the Group, which forms the basement of the Kume Island located on its eastern extension. The western extension seems to have made an easterly protruded to pography for the northern side basement so that the Shimajiri Group might have not been deposited at the north beyond the presumed extension so far as the land area of the Okinawa Island region is concerned. 4) Many kolls are topographically recognized in the studied region,. Against some previous opinions, however, Recent volcanic front is not traceable into the region, since the knolls are covered with probably Pleistocene sediments excluding some smallest ones near the Okinawa Trough. Particularly it is noticed that each west side of four knolls, i.e. Izena-tai, Ryukyu-sone, Tori-shima, and Aguni-jima, is bounded by the northeast to southwest running fault line-cliffs with about 1,600 m vertical throw and that the east side is remarkably tilted toward the east in being covered by the westerly thinning sediments of the Pleistocene to probably Holocene age.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1983-03-30
- 11. 後期第四紀における石灰質ナンノプランクトンFlorisphaera Profundaの挙動と海洋環境変遷について
- 9. 西太平洋カロリン海盆における過去30万年間の有機・無機炭素除去の変遷
- 179 宮古島東方沖海溝斜面より得られたピストンコアの解析
- 大学放送公開講座教材の大学授業への活用に関する研究(IV 大学授業への活用に関する研究,平成2年度放送利用の大学公開講座テーマ研究報告書)
- 北太平洋中緯度域のヘス海膨における過去20万年の風送塵の沈積変動と炭素循環に与えた影響
- 南琉球海溝斜面より得た完新世タービダイト・コアの解析と地震の周期性
- 小笠原・父島西方海域の底質
- 7 宮古島西方海域の第四紀炭酸塩堆積物
- 宮古島周辺海域における島尻層群及び八重山層群の地質構造:マルチチャンネル音波探査による解析ヨル カイセキ
- 沖縄本島中城湾の底質 : 堆積
- 沖縄トラフおよび石垣島南方で採取されたIMAGESコアに基づく過去約25万年間の表層・中層水の変動(西太平洋におけるIMAGESコアを用いた高時間解像度の環境復元)
- 沖縄における知念層と島尻層群の層位学的関係
- O-103 沖縄トラフ IMAGES コアの有孔虫群解析
- 259 2ピストン・コアの解析に基づく種子島東方沖ダイアピリズムの研究(海洋地質)
- 21 世紀までの 10 年間, 古生物学者は何をすべきか(講演・指名討論の要旨)
- 95 浮遊性有孔虫分帯による島尻尽郡の地質構造解析
- 琉球弧地史についての再考察 : 第三紀
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- 静岡県西部, 三笠層群の地質学的研究
- 沖縄本島北部,名護市辺野古地域における嘉陽層の堆積・変形過程
- 南極海インド洋セクター堆積物コアに認められた,上方へ古くなる浮遊性有孔虫AMC14C年代値
- 261 後氷期における黒潮源流域(沖縄トラフ)の古海洋学的変動(海洋地質)
- 260 南琉球弧石垣島南方沖3タービダイト・コアの解析に基づくテクトニクス(海洋地質)
- 最終氷期以降における,黒潮の沖縄トラフ流入の変遷 (特集 陸橋および生物の移動)
- 120. 南琉球弧石西礁と周辺海域の底質と底生有孔虫群集
- 8. 黒潮源流域、琉球弧周辺海域の後期第四紀環境変動とネオテクトニクス
- 474 南琉球弧周辺海域より得たピストン・コアの解析
- 346 南琉球弧海溝斜面ピストン・コアに認められる古海洋学的 events
- 5-(1) 国際地質学会議(IGC)地域別巡検について : 琉球列島の例
- 180 宮古島西方海域の堆積物 (砂泥分の解析)
- 1 喜界島・沖縄島・宮古島の島尻層群浮遊性有孔虫と島尻変動
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