上顎大臼歯並びに上顎第二乳臼歯に於ける Carabelli 結節について
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Since the first report of its occurrence by Carabelli in 1842, numerous investigators have studied and described the tubercle of the tooth. Using the plaster models of the upper dentition of the mouth, the present authors have conducted a study on the mode and the frequency of its appearance and the results were presented in summary as follows. 1) The rates of its occurrence were respectively 7.7% with the first molar, 0.2% with the second molar, 1.7% with the third molar and 10.3% with the second milk molar. The tubercle thus appears most frequently in the first molar and the second milk molar. 2) Symmetrical appearance of the tubercle in both sides of the upper jaw amounted to 90% of the total. 3) Simultaneous occurrence of the tubercle in both the second milk molar and the first molar of the same individual amounted to 59% of the total showing predominance of this trend against other type of occurrence.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1960-06-30
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- 2. 上顎大臼歯並びに上顎第二乳臼歯に於ける Carabelli 結節について(九州歯科学会総会抄録)
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