- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors studied the efferent impulses of the hypoglossal nerve in the common Japanese frog given a variety of stimulations to the tongue or the glossopharyngenal nerve, and the following results were obtained. 1. Spontaneous discharge There were two types of the spontaneous discharge in the hypoglossal nerve. One type of the impulses was of low frequency with long duration, the other type occurred in an abrupt manner and intermittently. Duration of the impulse burst was about 1 second. The latter type impulse was apparently synchronized with the respiratory movement of the tongue and pharynx of the frog. This was confirmed by taking simultaneous electrical recording of the left and right hypoglossal nerve of the frog. 2. Mechanical stimulation It is to be noted that when the tongue was stimulated mechanically either by a horsetail-hair or by a silver wire of small guage, the efferent impulses were obtained from the hypoglossal nerve. 3. Chemical stimulation Any efferent impulse could not be elicited by stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve either with Ringer's solution and H_2O, or with saline less than 2.5% and sucrose solution less than 10%. But 3.65% saline, 0.1% quinine and 1% tartaric acid solution could elicit the obvious efferent impulses in the hypoglossal nerve. We obtained the same results in the frog from which the cereberum and spinal cord had been cut off. 4. Electric stimulation When the glossopharyngeal nerve on one side of the tongue was electrically stimulated, efferent impulses were produced in the hypoglossal nerves on both sides of the tongue. In this case, the efferent impulses in the hypoglossal nerve on the one side of the tongue produced by stimulating on that side were greater than those on the other side of the tongue. The response time for the stimulated side was about 16 msec and that for the other side was about 24 msec. These impulses became greater as the stimulation was intensified.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1969-03-31
廖 伯毅
中原 敏
廖 伯毅
泉 栄子
大曲 統司明
百瀬 芳郎
中原 敏
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- 蛙口蓋の繊毛上皮細胞ならびにその運動神経の刺激実験 : 論文要旨
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