- 論文の詳細を見る
A large number of meteorites have been discovered in the bare ice areas of the Yamato Mountains and the Allan Hills, Antarctica. There are many dirt layers in these areas. It was confirmed recently that the dirt layer consists of tephra layers. As one tephra layer is considered to have been produced by asingle volcanic event, the age of ice can be estimated from the age of the tephra layers. Hence, a tephra layer can serve as a possible time marker of the ice. Therefore, it is possible to indirectly detemine the age of meteorite fall from tephra layers. One dirt layer is composed of ice with dispersed ash grains and its thickness is a few cm〜1Ocm. From this thickness of ice, it is implied that tephra was supplied continuously over 1 year from a source volcano. Because a large scale eruption of a volcano usually does not continue for such a long period, a thick dirt layer may be a composite of tephra layers from multiple eruptions. In order to examine whether the tephras present in ice are products of a single eruption or multiple eruptions, the chemical abundances of more than 20 elements and the refractive indices of glass shards in the thin slabs of a dirt layer were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and the phase-contrast technique, respectively. Those of glass shards separated magnetically from a dirt layer were also determined. INAA of the glass shards separated from 3 dirt layers in the Yamato Mountains area and 5 dirt layers in the Allan Hills area were carried out to test the correlation techniques for tephra layers in the Antarctic ice. The refractive indices of them were also determined. The results of these measurements show that most of dirt layers consist of a single fall unit of tephra, except one dirt layer in the Allan Hills area. The tephra layers in the Yamato Mountains area were divided into 2, and the tephra layers in the Allan Hills area were divided into 4. The source volcanoes of the tephras in the Yamato Momtains area, which is composed of island arc tholeiite, should lie on the South Sandwich Islands. The sources of those in the Allan Hills area which is composed of alkalic rocks, should be in the McMurdo Sound area. Trace element abundances and refractive indices of glass shards are useful tools for correlation of tephras in the Antarctic ice.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本火山学会の論文
- 1987-07-01
新井 房夫
福岡 孝昭
西尾 文彦
福岡 孝昭
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University
新井 房夫
Faculty of Education, Gunma University
西尾 文彦
Faculty of Education, Gunma University
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- A24 1989 年伊豆半島東方沖海底火山の噴出物
- 伊豆大島火山 1986 年噴火噴出物の岩石学的特徴
- 火山岩のウラン系列年代測定--マグマ活動のタイムスケ-ルとしての役割 (特集:地質年代測定の進歩と応用-2-)
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- 1986年伊豆大島噴火に関連した地表γ線測定 : 日本火山学会1987年度春季大会
- A47 1986 年伊豆大島噴火に関連した地表γ線測定
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- P08 雲仙火山 1991 年溶岩の鉱物学的特徴および同位体比・REE 組成
- A06 南極やまと隕石氷原火山灰層の対比と起源
- I11-10 マグマの寿命を測定する : ジルコン・ガラスによる火山岩イオニウム年代測定
- 75A. Aso-4テフラ中に存在する2種のガラス : 微量元素組成によるテフラ同定への影響(日本火山学会1989年秋季大会)
- A75 Aso-4 テフラ中に存在する 2 種のガラス : 微量元素組成によるテフラ同定への影響
- 26B. Glass-zircon pairによる火山岩のイオニウム年代(日本火山学会1988年春季大会)
- B26 Glass-zircon pair による火山岩のイオニウム年代
- 火山ガラスの微量元素含有量と屈折率による南極氷中火山灰層の対比
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- P05 伊豆大島火山 1986 年噴火の噴出物の岩石学的特徴
- 48A. 火山岩中のジルコン含有量(日本火山学会1986年度秋季大会)
- A48 火山岩中のジルコン含有量
- 69B. 浅間火山1783年噴出物の化学組成(日本火山学会1986年度春季大会)
- 東北日本周辺海域及び北西太平洋に分布するテフラ -三陸沖海底コアKH94-3, LM-8中のテフラ層序を中心に-
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- 10. 函館沖から噴出し日高・十勝までをおおうテフラ(日本火山学会1986年度秋季大会)
- 45. 韓国鬱陵島火山のテフラ(日本火山学会 1982 年度秋季大会講演要旨)
- 70. 桜島・姶良噴出物の Sr 同位体比とマグマ進化の combined processes(日本火山学会 1982 年度秋季大会講演要旨)
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- 26. 南極氷床中の火山灰層の特徴(日本火山学会 1985 年度秋季大会講演要旨)
- 10 函館沖から噴出し日高・十勝までをおおうテフラ
- 26A. 北海道の後期更新世広域テフラ(日本火山学会 1985 年度春季大会講演要旨)
- 38. ジルコンによる火山噴出物の I_o 年代とその応用(日本火山学会 1969 年秋季大会講演要旨)
- 207 南極産非溶融マイクロメテオライトの宇宙起源の化学的証拠(セッション2)
- 放射化分析研究会への期待(発起人の一言集)
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- 101. 鬼界カルデラ起源の新広域テフラと九州における更新世後期大火砕流の噴出年代(日本火山学会 1983 年度春季大会講演要旨)