Research on Fluid Elastic Vibration of Cylinder Arrays by Computational Fluid Dynamics : Analysis of Two Cylinders and a Cylinder Row
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Fluid elastic vibration of tube bundles is one of the most important factors that must be considered in the design of heat exchangers. Since this phenomenon is caused by the interaction between flow and structure, and is hence very complex and sensitive in nature, the design criteria established through many experiments, based on envelopes of the scattered data, have been the only reliable tools for the designers. The authors have developed an accurate CFD technique to solve this moving boundary problem. The fluid elastic vibration problems of two cylinders and a cylinder row are simulated using the CFD technique. The characteristic phenomena of vortex shedding, coupled with two-cylinder motion and fluid elastic instability of a cylinder row are successfully simulated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-02-15
Izumi Hajime
Takasago R & D Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Institute of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Hiroshima University
Nakamura Tomomichi
Takasago R & D Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Nakamura Tomomichi
Takasago R & D Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Kobayashi Toshio
Institute Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Hiroshima University
Takamatsu Hiroshi
Institute Of Advanced Material Study
Takamatsu Hiroshi
The Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc.
Kawata Yutaka
Takasago Research And Development Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Kawata Yutaka
Takasago R & D Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
ICHIOKA Takehiko
Takasago R & D Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Ichioka Takehiko
Takasago R & D Center Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Nakamura T
Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. Ltd. Takasago Jpn
Ichioka Tatehiko
Takasago R & D Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
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