Changes in Health Habits of Female Shift Workers
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper examines the effects of shift work on the lifestyles of female factory workers. As an indicator of healthy lifestyle habits, we used a scoring system (referred to below as the 'health score') based on Lester Breslow's health habits. The 'health score' of the women was higher than that of the men, but the shift workers' score was lower than that of the non-shift workers (p<0.01). In addition, the score of workers who had changed from non-shift work to double-shift work was remarkably low (p<O.01). These results suggest that, while the female shift workers manage to maintain relatively healthy lifestyles in comparison with the males, they have more difficulty maintaining these habits than do female workers who do not perform shift work. It can be concluded that, in addition to heightening women's consciousness of their own health, surrounding entities such as the work environment, the home, and the community in general need to pay due care to Japan's female shift workers.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
小林 孝嘉
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fuskushima Medical University
Fukushima Tetsuhito
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
田中 宗雄
田中 宗雄
大阪大学大学院歯学研究科 予防歯科学教室
Kobayashi Tsukasa
Anelva Corporation
Fukushima Tetsuhito
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Sugawara Akiko
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine:health
Sugawara Akiko
福島県立医科大学 衛生学
Kaneko Shin-ya
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine School Of Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Kaneko Shin-ya
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fuskushima Medical University
Maeda Takafumi
Fukushima Medical University
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fuskushima Medical University School Of Medicine
小林 敏生
小林 敏生
Tanaka Kazuko
Fukushima Medical University
Institute of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Hiroshima University
Kobayashi T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
小林 孝嘉
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
SASAKI Akihiko
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
SATO Akihiko
National Midorigaoka Hospital
TANAKA Masatoshi
Early Childhood Education, Fukushima College for Sincerity
Tanaka Masatoshi
Fukushima College
Tanaka Masatoshi
Early Childhood Education Fukushima College For Sincerity
Kobayashi Tadayuki
Faculty Of Electro-communications The University Of Electro-communications
Kobayashi Toshio
Institute Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Hiroshima University
Maeda T
Fukushima Medical Univ. Jpn
Tanaka Kazuko
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Maeda Takafumi
福島県立医科大学 衛生学講座
Sato Akihiko
Dept. Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Fukushima Tetsuhito
Department Of Hygiene &preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Shinshu University
Tanaka Kazuko
Department Of Geography Faculty Of Letters Kyoto University
Sasaki Akihiko
Department Of Electronic Engineering Tohoku University
Fukushima Tetuhito
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Tanaka Masatoshi
Mitsubishi Cable Industries
Department of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
- 研究ニュース
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- 研究紹介
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- 研究ニュース
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