高血壓患者及び實驗的高血壓犬, 白鼠の血清(漿)蛋白について
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We electrophorized the serum (plasma) ptoteins of hypertensive patients, and experimental renal, endocrine, electrolytic and pressorreceptor denerved hypertensive dogs and rats, and observed a correlation between hypertension and serum globulin, especially alpha-2 and betha globulins, and obtained the following results.(A) Human 1) Essential Hypertention In the stabile and benign form, there is generally little change of serum protein, and in younger ages alpha and gamma globulins increase slightly, and betha globulin and A/G ratio are normal. In fourties A/G ratio decreases slightly, and in more fifty years old, alpha and gamma globulins are normal and betha globulin increases and A/G ratio decreases. These findings suggest that the increase of betha globulin relates to ages, that is to say, arterio-sclerosis. In the malignant stadium, alpha and betha globulins increase and changes of other components of serum protein are not remarkable.2) Renal Hypertention Alpha globulin increases and A/G ration decreases.3) Hypertention accompanied with Heart Insufficiency. In many cases alpha globulin increases, and in all cases betha globulin increases, and also gamma globulin increases and A/G ration decreases.4) Hypertention accompanied with Cerebral Bleeding. Alpha and betha globulins increase slightly and gamma globulin is normal and A/G ratio decreases slightly.5) Control Group In normal tensive cases over 60 years old, alpha, betha and gamma globulins increase slightly and A/G ratio decreases.(B) Dog In GOld-blatt's and Page's dogs, dogs with ligated carotid arteries, and adrenal veins, dogs treated with kidney ATP-ase plus cholesterol etc., we examined a correlation between blood pressure and fractions of serum proteins, and obtained the following results.Generally, in the dogs, which hypertention occuren, betha globulin inclines to increase. In the dogs treated with kidney ATP-ase and cholesterol, gamma globulin increases gradually.(C) Albino-rat In salt hypertensive rats, betha globulin inclines to increase. In DCA hypertensive rats, no remarkable changes were observed.We can summarize these results as follows.Generally, in hypertension there are only slight changes of the fractions of serum (plasma) protein. In dogs it seems that there is a slight correlation between hypertension and betha globulin, but in human there is no correlation between the two, and we think rather that there is a correlation between betha globulin and ages, that is to say, arteriosclerosis. We think that other changes of serum protein have no direct relation to hypertension, and are based on secondary occured diseases.
- 1956-01-20
岡田 安弘
The Third Medical Clinic Of Kyoto University
河北 成一
京大 前川内科
荒木 仁
加藤 治秀
The Third Medical Clinic Of Kyoto University
荒木 仁
the Third Medical Clinic of Kyoto University
中澤 輝郎
the Third Medical Clinic of Kyoto University
河北 成一
the Third Medical Clinic of Kyoto University
岡部 友泰
the Third Medical Clinic of Kyoto University
和智 浩明
the Third Medical Clinic of Kyoto University
岡部 友泰
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