水害時の流域住民の行動 : 昭和47年7月豪雨災害,三次盆地の例
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With the recent progress of embankment works using high-water revetments in Japan, the rivers have had the marked tendencies to increase flood discharge and to cause frequent flood behind levee. The inhabitant and the municipal anti-flood corporation along the river have placed too much confidence in the safety of embankments and have paid little attention for the changes of river runoff. For the purpose of the effective embankment works, it should be born in mind to take an anti-flood consciousness of inhabitant into consideration. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the inhabitant's cognition and their behavioral patterns in the flood of 1972, by which the urbanized area of Miyoshi City has been much affected. The behaviour of inhabitant were surveyed with the interview schedule. This contains 6 mein items and 58 details including the following ; (1) the flood cognition of inhabitant suffering from the past floods, (2) the behavioural pattarns at the time of flood behind levee, (3) the behaviour before the break down of the embankment, (4) announcement of the refuge order, (5) the refuge behaviour, and (6) the rescue activities. The number of interviews wchedules collected are 317 sheets which account for about 15 percent of all the suffered households in the surveyed area. The following are the results of the analyses. 1. In the flood of 1972, total rainfall and its intensilty was less than that in the flood of 1945, but the peak discharge was more than that of the later. Depending too much on the experiences of the the past floods, the behavioural attitudes and the counter measures against the flood, of the inhabitant and the municipal anti-flood corporations, were not appropriate in the least, resulting in turmoil and confusion. 2. The number of households having taken the relevant bahaviours at the time of flood, i. e. (1) noticing for the rising of water level in the river, (2) waiting for the refuge order at the midnight, and (3) quickly refuging after the refuge order, was only 27.2 percent of all the suffered households. The inhabitant's flood cognition affected much on the behaviours untill receiving the refuge order but does not directly orient the refuge behaviour. It is worthy of notice that old households having much experiences of the past floods had not refuged lastly. 3. The urban area surveyed is divided into two districts, i.e. the Miyoshi district growing from the castle town, and the Tokaichi district has urbanised fastly in recent years. These differences on the location and historical growth of the two districts reflect in the flood cognion and the behaviour of inhabitant in each districts. Comparing the Miyoshi with the Tokaichi, as the inhabitant of Miyoshi had an anti-flood consciousness and measures conducted themselves along the step wise procedures and disciplines, they could refuge steadily from the flood of 1972.
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