テレビと現実認識 : 培養理論の新たな展開を目指して(<特集>パワフル・メディア論再考)
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The purpose of this article is to clarify what cultivation theory is and to provide suggestions for future research. First, after briefly examining the original theory of Gerbner and his colleagues, I present a two-dimensional analytical framework that may contribute to the further development of the theory. Then I review major criticisms of the original theory and ask whether the theory can withstand those criticisms. Most studies reviewed here make some contributions that advance the original theory, but they also tend to miss Gerbner's underlying theoretical motivation (investigation of the ideological effects of television). Giving due credit to both Gerbner et al . and their critics, I attempt to show how to redirect cultivation research.
- 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会の論文
- 2002-01-31
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- 萩原滋(編著), 『テレビニュースの世界像-外国関連報道が構築するリアリティ』, 2007年, 勁草書房
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- テレビと現実認識 : 培養理論の新たな展開を目指して(パワフル・メディア論再考)
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